Pretty sure not much can be done with only $14,800 but yes I have a boost.
Inglis (Hanscomb*)
Sams VC, Sanga, Hales, Gilkes, Clarke (Lyth*, Stoinis)
Tye, RK19, Agar, Faroqui, Zampa (JRicho*, Connelly
I can do Clarke to Wood again, but still have no DPP to switch to get Hosein.
Unless you can see something else.
I thought you might have been unhappy with who you traded out, so if you were able to correct that via the trade update function, that could be handy.
It looks like there may not be an obvious option that doesn’t change other things though (eg maybe you spent the cash to make it hard to get someone like Short back? That may not be the worst thing, given all your Scorchers did well).
Short would be the one I figured you’d want to maybe get back, but with your cash balance I don’t think that’s straightforward even if you removed Rashid. I don’t think Rashid => Short would be worth a boost in its own right.
Clarke is someone I’d rather own than Wood unless it got me something good elsewhere, and I don’t see a reason to bring back Siddle.
Processing …
Come to think of it, maybe this works/might appeal?
Clarke to Wood (raises cash, no trade used)
RK19 (uses cash, no trade used, but gains DPP)
Switch Short and Wood (gets Lyth’s score off field - noting he has one to come)
Wood => Hossein (which seems to get you a player you want?)
So (I think) it’s basically:
Rashid + Clarke + Lyth’s R2 score + one boost retained vs Hosein + Short + Short’s R2 score + some spare cash