Hi, I am Keith, Coach of the Courtesans.
I am a 56 year old male, married with a daughter 28 and son 25. I am a public servant working for the Supreme Court..hence my team name, Courtesans. I have a beautiful grand daughter, Olivia born November 2015.
I am a golfer, which I love playing, off 15 these days..cant hit it too far any more, but it is my time out in life.
My interests, reading, philosophy, and any thing, person, activity, event that adds to my and my family's life.
As a web site that may interest some of you, I highly recommend 'The Art of Manliness' give it a look,.. you won't be disappointed, it is full of interest, with an American slant, but well wothe a visit.
I am woeful at statistical information, and I hate it. After many years as a public servant, I have heard and read too much about projections, milestones, kpi's, quick wins, work arounds et el.
I play this game for fun, want to finish first but.
Pleased to be here. I enjoy the camaraderie.