Just talking in general here, and not specifically about Thorburn.
If all high profile leaders (politicians, sporting club leaders, public servants) have to have lily white histories, and espouse the current "correct way of thinking", while also never having uttered or done something seemingly inappropriate in their life, ever, then the pool of available people to choose from will be close to zero!!!
Practically everybody, and I do mean everybody, has done something in their past, that others can shine a light on and say, "Is this the sort of person we want in this position?".
They might have gotten drunk, and kissed a girl at a party 20 years ago, and now she says she didn't consent. They might have said or written something in a public forum, that will have those that want to be offended covering their mouths in shock.
What ever happened to you can have your view/belief, and I will have mine. I will respect the right for your view/belief to be different from mine, and not try to force or coerce you to my thinking, and I expect you will show me the same respect.
In this particular case Thorburn is being asked to step down because he is a leader of church that outwardly condemns hom0sexuality. Here's a new flash. Pretty much every religion condemns something that new/current thinking tells society they must embrace. Some religions/people condemn them overtly, most covertly. So we've pretty much precluded anyone of any strong religious belief, from holding a high profile position!!!!
Given we are meant to be inclusive these days, and we are not meant to pre-judge people, how about we still use the old fashioned "best man for the job" scenario, instead of using a process that honestly precludes 95% of people holding high profile positions. How about Thorburn was given a chance, to do the job he was chosen to do, and we not condemn him for his beliefs, until those beliefs started impacting his decision making, and his ability to do his job?
The pool of people left to choose from will largely contain people with very limited experience, and just by that fact alone, are probably unsuited to the jobs anyway!!! I've always liked my leaders/politicians to have a little bit of scoundrel, a little bit of mongrel, a little bit of colour about their character. They're the ones, while a very small number will hate the scoundrel in them, that usually also have the hutzpah to get things done!
I've always found religious/pc thinking almost comical. Some of the least "christian" people I know, are also the most "christian" people I know. The same goes with pc. Let's be inclusive, but let's only include the people who think how we want type of thinking.
How about we give people the benefit of the doubt, and the freedom to hold their beliefs. Let's respect that they can do what they need to do, despite their beliefs, and do so until proven otherwise. It's a very short trip down the road, from doing things like that have just been done to Thorburn, to once again segregating people by race/religion/politics, which is the exact opposite of what "they" are trying to achieve. History repeating itself. Those trying to fast track societal reform, usually fast track the opposite of their intentions!!!
I know this will be an unpopular post, but I will leave you with one last thought.
Using Thorburn as an example. Isn't it better, if he is the best skilled for the job, to have Thorburn doing the CEO job, while we are aware of his beliefs, than to have someone else, that has hidden beliefs, that may be even more out of step with today's expected thinking?