1 in 100 Americans work for Walmart.
FTSE 100 CEO’s make more money in two and a half days than the average worker makes in a year.
Only 4.2% of Fortune companies are run by women.
Men appear in the newspapers three times as often as women and have done so since 1800.
During the Second World War, Women’s Institutes played ‘Pin the Moustache in Hitler’.
In the Second World War, it was illegal to post knitting patterns abroad in case they contained coded messages.
In 1857, British Officials were convinced Indian villagers were passing secret messages hidden in chapattis.
The first editorial assistant to work on the Oxford English Dictionary was sacked for industrial espionage.
My Adventures as a Spy, by Lord Baden-Powell, has a chapter on ‘The Value of Being Stupid’.
Secret agents have to be trained to forget their advanced driving courses.
The CIA use board games to train spies.
The CIA Museum in Langley, Virginia is not open to the public.
In the First World War, battlefield observation stations were hidden inside trees.
The oak is the national tree of Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia and the UK.
There are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way.
1% of all the timber sold in the world is bought by IKEA.
12% of all the iron in Britain in the 1780s was cast by one man- John ‘Iron Mad’ Wilkinson.
One-third of entrepreneurs think their chance of failing is zero.
’Entropreneurs‘ are people who farm new types of edible insect.
Minecraft is used to pitch for business deals.
After shaking hands, most people unwittingly sniff their fingers.
Octopuses smell with their arms.
Vegetarians smell nicer than people who eat meat.
Sniffing milk to test its freshness rather than going by the sell-by-date would save 100 million pints a year.