Finished off the season like I started but had some very good rounds in the back half of the comp. Hoping to stay in the top 500 but might just drop out.
433 with NCN C. Hopefully won’t drop too far from current spot (100th).
Underwhelming way to finish the SC season with a rain affected match where decisions had to be made without all the game info available.
Played Vince, Maddison, Hazlewood and Worrall which I probably not have had it been a normal game. Definitely would have had Zampa but not really sure wno else. NCN C was a rain affected decision and probably would have stuck with Stoinis otherwise. That was a win on the face of it however the match also probably affected Marcus’s approach.
Late switch from Dwarshius to Hazlewood gained me some points woo... But also did a late switch of Worrall to Rauf as I wanted a pod initially but was too scared to miss out on Rauf in the end so pretty much even on my 50/50s. Also wanted to pick more bowlers but was forced pick another bat in Vince.