Competitions 2025 SCS INTERCHANGE Comp

21 Jan 2016
AFL Club
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2025 SCS INTERCHANGE COMP - Starts Round 1

The SCS INTERCHANGE COMPETITION is back for its fifth year. All welcome to join.
To enter, write you Team's Name in this thread and I'll send you the Code to join the "INTERCHANGE COMP" League.

The 'SCS INTERCHANGE COMPETITION' is based on your SuperCoach Team’s weekly score.
The Comp is made up of 3 sides, the ‘SENIORS’, ‘RESERVES’ and 'RECRUITS'.
The goal is to have your SC Team in the ‘Seniors' side in the last AFL Round, where the Ultimate Winner will be decided.

After each AFL round;
4 Teams from the 'Seniors Side', with the lowest weekly scores, will interchange with the 4 'Reserves' Teams with the highest scores.
And the 6 lowest scoring Teams from the 'Reserves' Side will interchange with the 6 highest Teams from the 'Recruits' Side.
At the end of Round 1, the highest scoring Teams will be in the Senior side, next highest scorers in the Reserves side, etc.

After the last AFL Round, the highest scoring Team from the 'Seniors' Side will be the "2025 SCS INTERCHANGE COMP" Winner!
And the highest scorer in the 'Reserves' side wins the "Reserves Cup".
Also, the Team that was in the 'Seniors' side the longest, wins the "Most Consistent Team" award,
and the Team that had the highest scores each week, wins the "Best On Ground" award.

If Teams' scores are tied, the Team that scored the highest in the previous round is declared the winner.
I may accept late entries for a short time, based on the number of entries and they will start in the 'Recruits' Team.
The "Most Consistent Team" is decided before the last Round.

Good luck to all.
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