Man I’m glad I didn’t vc lloyd tonight. Was heavily considering with some of the big totals St Kilda were giving defenders. Wouldn’t have been able to predict that he wasn’t to play defence for most of the game!
That is so rough. x 2 50s for goals. Awful rule. Actually, not the rule itself so much as how they decide to suddenly crack down on it after letting so many go in other games.
7 of 12 at a ground he averaged 117 at last year and went 120 with Clarke on him all game last time and was 530K, sometimes we just overthink and miss the guy that really was just an obvious bottomed out pick.
Quick question - Can you not undo all your trades after the first game even if none of them involve tonight’s game? I can see I can undo and re- select but I want to completely undo as the change I want to make requires a different position change.