Step 1: SuperCoach Homepage
If you already know how to get your Team Link, skip to Step 4.
Go to the SuperCoach Homepage:
Step 2: Searching for your Team in the SuperCoach Database
You do not have to be logged into the SuperCoach Website to get your Team Link.
Once you are on the SuperCoach website, locate this:
It will be below the Advertisement on the Right Hand Side.
Type your Team Name into the Search Box. e.g. My Team name is Built 2 Perfection. This is how mine would appear:
Then click on the Team Link that matches your Team.
Step 3: Copying your Team Link
Once you have gone into your Team Link, Copy the URL:
Step 4: Editing your SuperCoach Scores Profile.
Go back to the SuperCoach Scores Website (Doesn't matter if your on a Thread or not). Click on your SuperCoach Scores "Name" in the "Options Bar" located in the Top Right Hand Corner. e.g. Mine is Zontafer.
Step 5: Opening your Profile.
Once you have opened your Profile, Click on "About Me".
Step 6: Pasting your Team Link to your Profile.
Click on the Pencil next to "SuperCoach Team":
Paste your Team Link (That you copied in Step 3) in the Box, and click "Save".