I think the Contenders lost Baden (due to his relationship with Luke), and that they simply didn't have the numbers. So the rest just had to go follow suit and vote Shaun.
If they did stick together, still would have been 5 votes to Shaun, 5 to Luke and 1 to Daisy. On the revote Simon would just switch to Shaun.
I feel Harry should have pushed strongly for the split vote between 4 to Shaun and 3 to Daisy. Then gather the rest of the contenders to put all 5 votes on Lukey. But I think the champions would have still put more votes on Shaun 5 to 2 instead. So even if someone flipped it would have been a tied vote.
Not sure if I'm explaining it right to understand.
I think this makes sense.
The contenders’ problem is that they’re not unified, which means they’re basically a rabble. You can’t play this game in groups of 2 or 3, but some of them seem to be trying to.
Shaun has an excuse this time (no real time between the challenge and tribal) but you will very seldom convince a lot of people to swing their vote at tribal itself. The time to lobby is beforehand, and you use tribal mainly to shore up your position.
When David was at the picnic, Shaun seemed more focused on what David was saying to Abbie and John, than on the opportunity he had to speak about David behind his back. In the reverse position you know what David would have been doing!
I really like Shaun, but he didn’t play it as well as he could have in a strategic sense.
I’m going to struggle to be rooting for a contender other than Harry or maybe Baden to win it given how badly I think most of them are playing.