If the Essendon Melbourne game is going to be played at some point, why not just leave as normal and adjust league win/losses and total scores after the game has been played? Assuming the teams stay as named.
If the Essendon Melbourne game is going to be played at some point, why not just leave as normal and adjust league win/losses and total scores after the game has been played? Assuming the teams stay as named.
This is the logical way to do it in an ideal world, but couldn't imagine the amount of coding and issues that would go with trying to back-track and enter scores while updating the rest of the players.
Another problem with not giving the Ess/Mel players a score is cash generation. Those who own players from these sides with low BEs are significantly disadvantaged.
This is the logical way to do it in an ideal world, but couldn't imagine the amount of coding and issues that would go with trying to back-track and enter scores while updating the rest of the players.