Not at all. My current iteration has 11 between 250 and 500k and I still think there's a case to add Perryman.
These sorts of numbers are way too high though and so I'll be cutting right back.
One issue that comes from MPM that hasn't been touched on this year goes as follows.....
Exactly how many mid pricers do you expect to break out by 20+ PPG? The number that will do it is pretty small and not only that, some of those that do aren't on our radars at the moment. Others might not do it till late season. So while I have 11 on my list at the moment, I might expect only 4 or 5 to be useful to us early.
Now.... let's say I go in with 10 MPPs, hoping to cover all options. Only 4 MPPs explode out the gates and I have 3 of them, having missed say Mitch Owens opening brightly when none of us really thought it too likely. I now have 7 MPPs clogging my list and I need to bring in Owens.
List Clogger 1 > Owens = 1 trade. Leaves 6 cloggers to fix. No other MPPs are firing at this stage for me to switch to. I can trade down to a missing rookie 350k > 150k releases 200k that I can add to another non-firing MPP but unless he's already over 400k, I'm not getting a premium back, mid or probably ruck. Chances are he's only 350 and my options are getting limited
And I need to do that for 3 pairs of players to clear out my 6 cloggers. I can't easily find 600k in downgrades for my 3 downs and I need more than that to effect my upgrades. There isn't enough sideways action available that I am confident on (or it would have been in my initial squad).
Another 6 trades used in corrections for a total of 7. I've probably used 2 boosts as the cherry on top as well.
Now instead, let's just pick 5 of those MPPs. I only get 2 or them right and am still missing Owens as in the other example. I have only the 3 list cloggers and need to get the remaining 2 must-have MPPs. I can sideways 2 trades and downgrade to a missed rookie, saving 4 trades and banking 200k for a later upgrade. Maybe I use a boost.
I learned this aspect of MPM from some pretty hard lessons the last couple of years.
Yes, start a selection of MPPs but as I've consistently said: tread warily and don't overdo it. Even with the extra trades, there is a limit to how effective the strategy can be
These sorts of numbers are way too high though and so I'll be cutting right back.
One issue that comes from MPM that hasn't been touched on this year goes as follows.....
Exactly how many mid pricers do you expect to break out by 20+ PPG? The number that will do it is pretty small and not only that, some of those that do aren't on our radars at the moment. Others might not do it till late season. So while I have 11 on my list at the moment, I might expect only 4 or 5 to be useful to us early.
Now.... let's say I go in with 10 MPPs, hoping to cover all options. Only 4 MPPs explode out the gates and I have 3 of them, having missed say Mitch Owens opening brightly when none of us really thought it too likely. I now have 7 MPPs clogging my list and I need to bring in Owens.
List Clogger 1 > Owens = 1 trade. Leaves 6 cloggers to fix. No other MPPs are firing at this stage for me to switch to. I can trade down to a missing rookie 350k > 150k releases 200k that I can add to another non-firing MPP but unless he's already over 400k, I'm not getting a premium back, mid or probably ruck. Chances are he's only 350 and my options are getting limited
And I need to do that for 3 pairs of players to clear out my 6 cloggers. I can't easily find 600k in downgrades for my 3 downs and I need more than that to effect my upgrades. There isn't enough sideways action available that I am confident on (or it would have been in my initial squad).
Another 6 trades used in corrections for a total of 7. I've probably used 2 boosts as the cherry on top as well.
Now instead, let's just pick 5 of those MPPs. I only get 2 or them right and am still missing Owens as in the other example. I have only the 3 list cloggers and need to get the remaining 2 must-have MPPs. I can sideways 2 trades and downgrade to a missed rookie, saving 4 trades and banking 200k for a later upgrade. Maybe I use a boost.
I learned this aspect of MPM from some pretty hard lessons the last couple of years.
Yes, start a selection of MPPs but as I've consistently said: tread warily and don't overdo it. Even with the extra trades, there is a limit to how effective the strategy can be
I guess the perfect strategy would be to start the mid-pricers that don't need to be upgraded.
At this stage we have no idea who they will (or won't) be.
So far I see the potential in :-
Macrae , Smith , Parker , Daniel
Ideally they don't cause any problems so I can focus on downgrades and upgrades then maybe reassess on their Round 12 - 16 byes.
If we get enough viable Round 1 rookie priced players (at the moment it is all conjecture & speculation as who will/won't play , reading some different best 23 predicted sides and you end up coming up with a combination of 25-28 players per team)
At least Round 0 might give us some players and see what they score.
Enough rookies I like the look of 8-8-7.
The other 2 mid-pricers could be a combo of :-
McKercher / Rivers / de Koning / Coleman
If Flynn was # 1 ruck at the Eagles and stays on the park for the first 6-8 rounds could well be winner winner chicken dinner.
As it is a salary based game we need to start mid pricers to balance everything out
10 x $ $ 600k premiums = $ 6 million
21 x $ 200k rookies = $ 4.2 million (obviously won't be paying this much for everyone)
13 onfield rookies isn't feasible in any case if it is going to be 3 trades for each upgrade = 39 trades
The wait will soon be over , only 42 days to go and we will have solved the starting jigsaw puzzle 🤗
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