Thanks everybody for participating this year and hopefully it was a bit of fun to finish off BBL Supercoach for 24/25. A field of 32 is a nice number for this sort of comp.
I have used the concept a few times in comps and must admit that I was worried it was turning out to be a bit of a fizzer after the first 3 games but tonight's game I think showed that it can work. In theory people should feel they are always a chance to improve significantly and that happened for quite a few tonight. In truth 4 games for the BBL finals is probably not quite enough for it to work well.
Still not sure I got the scoring quite right. I probably over-corrected on the bowling ER bonus where very few points were scored and even SR bonus points for batters seemed quite difficult to earn. Food for thought if I used this again in future.
Thanks all and happy to take any feedback.