I think the biggest problem facing us is not knowing for certain how SC will handle each scenario. I assume that with byes it will be best 18 but not knowing the fixture for 9-12 before the first game this week makes trading difficult. I think the best tactics going forward is probably to sacrifice trying to get top end premos and just try and guess those value selections, and make sure you have warm bodies on the bench that you can loop. With the weekly scores generally being lower this it seems like the rankings are more tightly packed. I think the overall winner can still come from someone who may be what seemingly is out of contention.I always base how I'm going by the gap between me and the leader rather than where I'm ranked.I don't think I'm as far back for my ranking as what I would have been last season. And with an unknown future who knows how easily things could turn around for those further back. Just my 2 cents
I'm sure SC is burning the midnight oil so they can tell us, as soon as possible, what they plan to do with each possible scenario that might come up, right?
By SC telling us as soon as possible what we can expect, that will certainly ease all this frustration. So I'm patiently waiting for them to let us know before kick off tonight so I can plan my trades strategy.
There's talk of 2 teams having a Bye each round, are 2 teams not playing enough to have best 18? I know they did it for the MEL vs ESS game, but that was decided mid-round.
Previously, I think it was PTA vs GCS as the only teams that had a Bye in a round (because they played in China) and I think we didn't have best 18?
Anyway, SC let us know what you are planning to do.