Whoops … made changes, forgot to check “official.” I was getting so confused by trying to select team during split round that I forgot the final check. Happy to accept whatever punishment is forthcoming!
Very high scoring capacity. Season average of 95, 5-round average of 120, including a 139 and 152.
DPP flexibility. Plays enough mid time to score very highly, and enough forward time to maintain FWD status.
Discounted salary. Front-ended contract reduces 2024 salary from 690k pa to 490k. 2023 salary is covered, meaning c. 1.5 UL seasons (>1m in salary) of scoring is available for 490k.
Top forward. All Australian 2022, #1 forward based on AFL Player Ratings.
SCSUL Round 13 starts the following Saturday when Hawthorn play Brisbane, any trade must be made by the Friday. (The Thursday night game involves teams whose scores count for SCSUL Round 12 and Friday night's game doesn't count at all)
I think I have done notes fairly clear, will recheck with selection tomorrow night and ensure I don't want an emergency who is playing this week in case all my doubts don't get up - Cumming, Boak, Holmes.
Pick your team as you would normally before the first game of the SCSUL round. If changes are required due to team selection in the following AFL round, changes are allowed to overcome this issue, as we did last season in similar circumstances. Leave notes in case of players in doubt.
SCSUL Round 13 starts the following Saturday when Hawthorn play Brisbane.
The depth charts are very handy. I haven’t tried to copy and paste as I always do it on my phone which makes it a bit fiddlier than if I was to use a computer.