A thought that just occurred to me is that, for all its difficulties, the BBL does in fact have a draft. If you don't follow it, the overseas players all go into a draft pool every season - but each club has the option to retain one of their players, using their pick from the same round.
Emphasis very much on purpose. Have all your academy and your father sons and your bidding process, but force the team matching to use their pick from the current round. Don't have one? Too bad.
Maybe this isn't fair on a lower ranked team that has an aligned player expected to go, say, 5-10 - too low to waste a top three pick but too high to risk letting them get to the next round. You could either accept that as a risk of the system, or say the team has to have a pick within the next 18 to be allowed to match with it.
It doesn't have to be limited to one pick per club, either. You could if you wanted, but say you have the current situation where Gold Coast are looking at a few aligned players, you could allow one match per round, or two total, or anything you wanted really.
I'm sure I've missed a really obvious reason why this doesn't make sense because I could swear matching used to happen like this. But it feels way less complicated than the current system while still preserving things like F/S which are integral to the league.
Anyway, all of this is straying from the really important off season question...
How will Harry and Ben manage to miss each other this time???