Haha yep, so i watch him extra close and i've had a gutful of he's refferential treatment. Even late there he pushed hard and got to the mark and dropped it out of bounds. Even though he worked hard to get there it was an uncontested dropped mark and 100% was a clanger..... not given. As also a frustrated Dawson owner there has been about 5 times he has read the play really well floated in from the side and dropped an uncontested mark in the middle of a pack and still given a clanger every time. That uncontested mark Gawn just dropped over the boundary is a clanger every single day of the week and twice on Sunday's. Completely unacceptable that it wasn;t given. Stuff like that is why you absolutely cannot convince me that some players aren't treated favourably. Gawn is number 1 in the comp for it. Check out his disposal efficiency going at 100%. Yet his kick inside 50 was marked uncontested by Weitering. The AFL app even gave it as a turnover..... so how is it not only not a clanger but given as effective. He should have 3 clangers and be on about 10 points, its a joke.