Will probably be improved when they put the bell in the ball starting from next year! Errr The chip not bell!
Elemental really, straight line between goal and goal, move the ball forward, backward or sideways equals metres gained, lost or neutral event. as above things will be more measured next year I'd guess.
The house that Ryan built!, Err Champion Data built!
This line probably sums it up the best, not only for SC but for most in life!
Was it an umpire interpretation or a CD interpretation, was it a AFL executive decision, or a player error? Has the coach gone mad, subbing his best players or sending them to the seconds! Good to have fun with this game, it keeps us entertained over the winter months, but so many variable's in this game of both AFL and SC, you can't let it eat away at you, the system won't cuddle you and make it all better. The only one it affects is you, so don't let it! Ryan gets easy points from Kick ins, then get Ryan, Gawn gets effective HOTA hitting the turf 5 metres away, then get Gawn, Bont has the golden SC ticket, then get Bont.
This game is as frustrating as, but what part of human interface and computers isn't these days! So, so many imputations that create the final score we see on the SC site, it is what it is! You get yourself in a pickle worrying about those things, you're not going to enjoy anything, except long walks on a sandy beach!
Now I need to go and get another coffee, some heavy reading here for first thing in the morning!
Some bounce out of bed, others like me slide out! lol
luck to all.