444 PJC
Had a DNP, a 6 and a 2 so not too bad all things considered.. even though I expect a drop of some sort.
Saved up a wad of cash this week so hopeful of being able make some big moves next round.
Ended up trading Pinder to Humphries hoping Humphries can go up in price to change him to Harrell (with a mother trade) in a a few weeks on Adelaides next double round.
432 last week and dropped down about 200 spots to 1654th. Brought in Cotton and captained PJC. Lopez with a DNP in game 1 and Pinder with a DNP in game 2 hurt with both on field. Harrison DNP on the bench as well.
Pinder and Lewis to White and Foxwell this week. 5 doubles on field and 4 on the bench. PJC captain.