So thankfully it looks like Sunday night football is gone and hopefully Monday night footy is gone too.
I've been quite happy with the usual Saturday schedule in recent years of two day games, two night games and twilight game in middle. Friday night footy been big success for a long time. That to me is the time slots that clearly work.
As a Carlton fan we probably had the worst schedule of any club. Sunday night games, Monday night games, Thursday night games and the rest sprinkled more to my liking of a few Friday night games, Saturday twilight game and Saturday or Sunday games. No consistent time slot though. Been a nightmare as a fan. What I did find I quite liked was the Saturday Twilight game. It is quite handy as allows you to do normal stuff Saturday, then goto a game and then go out later on if you wish or home for the night.
I do have a question though. Is there any strong reason not to have 2 Friday night games? We have 2 Saturday night games and it always seems to work. Maybe we can have a few Friday night double headers also.
Example... A game started 7-10 pm Friday night in Melbourne and then directly after another game at 9-45 pm from Perth!!! It would be 7-45 pm in Perth so ideal for Perth people. Maybe not every Friday but every 2nd or 3rd Friday a game in Perth on a Friday night after an earlier Friday night game on the East Coast in either Sydney, Melbourne or Queensland. So basically Foxtel get a game Friday night from Perth and steal those games from some of the Sunday games that gone on in Perth that finish off the AFL round.
I think maybe twilight games on Sunday on East Coast should maybe only be when the Monday is a public holiday.
The 3-20 pm Sunday game to me I don't mind. Works for channel 7 too , I believe, so no real change there. Just think maybe we experiment stealing a game off Sunday to play 2 games on Friday nights. Saturday nights there is two games on regularly at same time so do not see why not try it out, or at the least experiment with my idea of two games after each other. One on East Coast and one in Perth. I'm sure it could work and clubs would be happier overall to avoid Sunday schedules.