I think conceptually getting Goldy in at 625k makes perfect sense - hes dropped 70k, you've put that money somewhere else thats also been a success (they also havent dropped 70k). Others have wasted money, you've used it to gain a points advantage on the comp.
But in reality its still a really tough position. To pounce on Goldy at any time within the first 7-11 rounds requires you to have a Ruck you want to upgrade and the cash on hand to do it when you want.
This is where rucks are tricky IMO - unlike the mids, we cant have a rookie R2, wait until they get to $350k and upgrade them to a fallen Goldy.
Even if we did have a rookie ruck we would get demolished in the points stake v Goldy for 7-11 rounds (keeping in mind that you would have a premo on another line to o***et Goldy but unfortunately they would have a better rookie ie. mid).
A convenient midpricer a la Leuey is tough also. We pick him to do well so that he makes 100-150k for an easy upgrade. If it pays off and he averages 90+ and goes up then why trade him out? I think I posted earlier about the order youd trade blokes out and if a 90ave at round 7-11 is your lowest scorer you're probably winning SC... by a fair margin. You'd definitely need to upgrade but unless Goldy was 500k ish you probably couldnt justify it if you still have a DEF rookie knocking out 60s.
Worst case Leuey does a TBC and barely moves, maybe making it to 400k. This would be the best and easier way to get Goldy in quick as its a bad scorer whose worth enough so that a trade can get Goldy. But again the points lost would he horrible. Even if Goldy only averages 110.
The easiest way to get a fallen Goldy in quickly would be an injury trade. An already well priced R or F who has to go. Quick, simple and effective. But this requires bad luck and a wasted trade.
In my head its still a really tough choice as to which way to go as I think there are just as many tricky scenarios involved in starting him.
But i think that romantic notion of waiting until he drops in price is the same as Gaz every other year. Its really hard to get in and out cleanly and ahead of the pack.
Thats not to say that we have to pick him as there are 3 or 4 others who could realistically match his average and make him redundant, but its just something I always have in my head when looking at the highest priced blokes every year.
Thats why this game is great... we'll never know whether we need to start Goldy, can upgrade to him, or wont need him at all until its too late!