G'day Rows,
I think you mentioned this before but what price do you classify as a good fit for a stepping stone?
I have been looking at CEY, JOM and Riley Bonner.
Would you think CEY and JOM (risky but to avearge 90 and make 100K would be ok) however still wouldn't get you to a fallen Danger or Martin etc.
Do you have any opinion on Riley Bonner? Maybe a little easy to use Bonner as a stepping in the backline but I do not know much about him.
Don't really have much to go on other than the fact he looked ok in JLT and Pittard is out for 5 weeks.
G'day Slam,
here's a general rule of thumb for pricing Stepping Stones. I will say up front, this a general Stepping Stone, and not one being used to specifically target a high priced player like Dangerfield.
Take the score you'd accept as a "bottom-line" for each position. For example D6 might be 90/game, M8 might be 103/game and F6 might be 92/game.
Convert them to dollars, using $5,000/point. So: D6 = $450,000, M8 = $515,000, F6 = $460,000.
I'd be looking at a buffer of around $150,000 or more, otherwise to get your $100,000 growth, the player is getting into that dangerous trap selection zone, where you might never upgrade them. So if you're looking for a Def Stepping Stone, I'd preferably be looking at $300,000 or cheaper. A Mid Stepping Stone $365,000 or cheaper. A forward Stepping Stone $310,000 or cheaper.
These figures will vary for each person, depending on what they'll settle for from their D6/M8/F6, and what dollar improvement would be their "I'm happy with that" level.
I'm with you. If I start a Stepping Stone, I want at least $100k growth, but you'd probably wear $80k.
I thought Bonner looked ok in JLT2, and with Port's injuries he has the chance to be a decent Stepping Stone. The one proviso I'd make is, I'd only take him, if you can reach him with spare change. I wouldn't be rearranging your team, and other selections to get him in.
CEY is one i'd love to take, as I think he'll be ok, but he doesn't fit my structure. JOM, good luck to those that start him, but I think he has too many convictions/question marks.