Looking back at the rookies on TooSerious after 6 rounds last season
Walsh + 236,300
Wilkie + 182,200
Constable + 179,100 5 games only
Miers + 175,500
Drew + 169,800
Duursma + 166,300
Scrimshaw + 164,700
Rozee + 154,200
winner winner chicken dinner if you had all 8 onfield
Hore + 142,700 from 4 games
Gibbons + 130,800
Petrucelle + 125,500
Collins + 122,700
Atkins + 119,600
Stack 115,800 from 4 games
Parker + 107,800
I guess this is the issue when those on the bench are slow earners or dissapear too quickly , hello Scott
If only we could field the highest dollar earning rookies (after Round 6) on our benches and use them purely for $$$ generation