Very interesting stuff, I am looking forward to these.
Bowlers seem to be more negatively affected by the new scoring system.
Not so sure yet (especially with the "other" rule changes yet to be reflected in the stats) ... am starting to think most players are over priced to start with as they are based on last years scoring metrics (that would appear to be a given) ...
- Batsman lose the boundaries bonus and runs above balls faced ... but if they can score enough (20+) get a run rate bonus ...
- So the old 2 boundary hit wonder loses out .... (opening or lower order hitters ??)
- Bowlers need to now bowl at least 3 overs to get a "possible" economy rate bonus added ...
- So the old 2 part time overs means bugger all unless you have a lot of dot balls or take a wicket ...
I'm envisaging a totally different set of strategies and stats depending on whether you Bat or Field first ....
- The new set of rules don't appear to favour early 1st inning specialist / depth bowlers to me unless they take a wicket ... easily subbed out of the game ...
Just as an example I've been pondering ...
- 1st innings Fielding team uses a specialist / depth bowler early on and he gets absolutely tonked ....
- What do you do ... X amount of runs needed to be made up so why bowl him another over and look to bring in a different player that could possibly be capable of making up the deficit .... might be a lot of additional pressure added to specialist / depth bowlers early on in the 1st innings ...