Thanks Ken - brilliant set up as always.
Think my team page and dashboard in the preseason workbook are still playing up, both still showing a very tight cap. The actual team doc agrees exactly to my workings last night, so I am going to use that.
Can i confirm Three things:
1. There was talk last night of "back ending" contracts for buddy, I know that example was quashed, however where do we enter the contract split if we do give free agents 2 plus year contracts?
2. What defines the rookie contract V free agent? Mitchell Hinge for example is 5th year in system, but only a rookie and automatic 2 years. Is it price or history in our comp?
3. Do we have a tightly defined rule on LTI, think this was may get a little contentious nearing the mid-season draft, so would be best to have a clear defined rule? E.g out for season (or 12 weeks) on
1. Drafted players only have the option of the number of years, their salary is set. We got caught up trying to solve Tim's being over the salary cap rather than going back to the rules.
2. Price and history. He is rookie priced and was not on a list last season, so therefore treated as a rookie. Thomson Dow on the other hand was on a list last season, had someone drafted him he still would have been classified as a 2YC player.
3. I don't think it can be that cut and dry. Out for the season obviously is, but long term injury isn't.
Preseason a long term injury, such as McLean not coming back until August, means that he is unavailable for the SCSUL regular season, so LTI list eligible. Sheed on the other hand is out for 3 months but will be back for the 2nd half of the season isn't.
Now midseason becomes trickier. Out until mid June/start of August has different impacts depending on when the injury occurs. If it happens week 2 that player is dead weight for nearly all of the SCSUL regular season. If it happens week 9, the team has had 9 weeks of scoring plus the potential for 2-3 more games. The team enduring the first scenario deserves the possibility of compensation/relief whilst the team enduring the second scenario probably doesn't.
Definitely using the AFL site and all it's information for injuries.
Connor Downie Salary in Draft (now removed) not in Team doc.