Melbourne Cup Day Selections
Race 1
1st -
7 pts: Dublin Down
2nd -
1.5 pts: Blue Stratum: toxic
3rd -
2.5 pts: Odinson: KLo30, Rowsus
Race 2
1st -
3 pts: Forgot You
2nd -
4 pts: Warning
3rd -
3 pts: Sibaaq: tso
Race 3
1st -
4 pts: Warmonger: Ironhawk, kennychao
2nd -
2.5 pts: Queen Of Dragons: KLo30, Beg2Differ, THCLT, chels
3rd -
1.5 pts: Aztec State: Rowsus
Race 4
1st -
6 pts: Wiggum
2nd -
1.5 pts: Barber: Rowsus, THCLT
3rd -
5 pts: Perilous Fighter: chels
Race 5
1st -
6 pts: The Map: tso, Professor
2nd -
1.5 pts: Mr Waterville: toxic
3rd -
2.5 pts: Garachico: chels
Race 6
1st -
13 pts: The Maggster: KLo30
2nd -
1.5 pts: Glint Of Silver
3rd -
2.5 pts: Platinum Wolf: Ironhawk, toxic
1st -
8 pts: Without A Fight: toxic
2nd -
7 pts: Soulcombe: Rowsus
3rd -
24 pts: Sheraz
Race 8
1st -
6 pts: Roll On High: Ironhawk, tso, Beg2Differ
2nd -
3 pts: Joliestar: chels
3rd -
2 pts: Kimochi: kennychao, Rowsus
Race 9
1st -
5 pts: Skew Wiff: KLo30
2nd -
6.5 pts: Foxy Cleopatra
3rd -
7.5 pts: Forbidden City
Race 10
1st -
13 pts: Pascero: Professor
2nd -
6 pts: Bermadez: chels
3rd - 1.5 pts: Chorlton Lane
Daily Leaderboard:
KLo30: 23
Professor: 19
chels: 19
tso: 15
Rowsus: 14.5
toxic: 13.5
Ironhawk: 12.5
Beg2Differ: 8.5
kennychao: 6