Well we waited a couple of months for the EPL season to start, and I think most are happy with their scores, even if their rank isn't good.
Plenty of 'sixes & fours' and 'high run rates'. A good, old 20/20 bash.
93 in FPL and ranked 911k. One of the best single gameweek scores I've ever had, and yet one of the worst starts I've ever had.
It's hard to get every right combo, but I think it's safe to say I got most of them. I think many boosters were played also, so it's highly likely the rank isn't anywhere near as bad as it looks. Come GW30+, the 'pacemakers' will be reeled in at a phenomenal pace. Happens every season.
201 in Sportal. 4 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses. Probably what I expected, but given a first double century in a SG, you'd expect 7-0 easily.
Still haven't forgiven Antonio for his PKM. Cost me close to 15 pts in EPL FantasySportNet. I still managed the best score for the week, so will take a screenshot, print it on glossy colour paper, frame it, and hang it up so everyone can remember for all eternity, that moment when I was #1 overall. But I still won't forget that Antonio missed the PK. He peed on my corn flakes.