Sometimes I laugh ....... sometimes I pull my hair out in frustration.
For so many many reasons, Equality is an impossible dream. I wish people would just drop the notion, and use the massive amount of time AND money spent on it, on a better use! So much pain, incovenience and frustration is caused by trying to "create Equality", and therein lies the problem. People are trying to create Equality! There is no creating it. People try to "create Equality" by artificial means. Hiring and promoting on quotas, because this group or that group is under-represented. Hello????!!!! You want to make Equality, by doing things that aren't equal?
Where do you stop? There will NEVER be equal representation across society. As soon as you get enough, black, asian, female, old, handicapped, socially challenged, mentally challenged, LGQBT+ people into your system by artificial means, another group will throw their hand up and say "I'm not reprsented" (thanks Liz Cambage!), and so you still have not achieved your very expensive, and much sought after Equality.
The closest way to achieve it, is to draw a line in the sand, and say "from here on, we treat everyone the same, Everyone as equal". Of course, this still won't work, as this group, or that group will think they deserve "special consideration", or exemptions because of this affliction/belief/standing etc. ........ and the whole thing disappears in a puff of smoke again.
Stop wasting time, money, resources etc and just accept, there will never be equality, because for the main part, the only way people set about achieving it is to take from Peter, to give to Paul. How is that equal?