7/1076 M Short
Phillipe and Dwarshius on the pine. Abbot still 51 off 1 ball and 2 wicketless overs - amazing.
4 Stars to play - Maxwell, Cartwright, Clarke and Couch.
Strikers play first game in Round 13 (v Sixers) , could be worth the bench E , goes 100+ you would definitely take it over a DGR bat only player eg Finch , Lynn , Marsh
With 5 stars spuds to go! Hoping for a miracle turnaround from at least three but like with their previous 3 DGRs I'm not gonna be hoping for too much.
Glad I decided to wait for Abbott until next round. Picked up his team mate Dwarsh instead. Shame I picked up a few dud dgrs instead of using it to pick up Philippe. One I'll have to reconsider getting in next round.
Was kicking myself yesterday for bringing in Philippe over Wells. Was fully expecting a first ball duck from Philippe last night. Feels weird having things working out for a change. I probably shouldn't speak too soon as I still need Bazley to come back from covid to avoid a doughnut. He was the only best11 Heat who didn't come back last round, so hopefully he's recovered and gets cleared to play tonight.
I've been out 2 nights in a row, wedding Friday and birthday last night. I have my highest score of the year, currently sitting on 1170 Short. 3 to play in Maxwell, Zampa and Cartwright looking forward to some junk time points.
On a side note, I'd like to propose a permanent change and endorsement for next season, that any team on the double plays the 1st 2 games, so we get a good look at those vc options. 😁