I have C on Steketee, but I see many have multiple Heat and Sixers.
I like the idea of unlimited trades for this round, but based on a rolling lockout, as with NRLSC (I'll guess they do it in AFLSC as well)
This means only Heat, Sixers, and Canes, can be traded.
For me, I only have Steketee, but also 3 Canes. This would give me 4 more trades, if I want them. Personally I would only trade Steketee, but some may need more to cover their donuts.
All teams already played are in lockout, and no changes to be made.
Problem here lies with the Scorchers having a "DGR".
A bit of coding but effectively they could be locked for changing, so not to give coaches that have scorchers an advantage, which we all would have taken, if we had known it would be a DGR.
just my thoughts