I'm not sure Standard Deviations are much suited to this format, and using Bontempelli as an example shows perfectly why.
Bontempelli predicted average 120.4 - Standard Deviation 3.74.
Using this in a pure mathematical way, it says that Bontempelli is a 99.7% chance of averaging 110+.
Blind Freddie can see this is impractical. It basically says if Bontempelli played the 2025 season 1,000 times, he will only drop below a season average of 110 three times!!!
When you look at a truncated version of a typical 120.4 season average, we see the player will have scores in the following ranges:
Scores 0 - 86 = 2 scores averaging 69 (138)
Scores 87-110 = 5 scores averaging 98 (490)
Scores 111-134 = 8 scores averaging 120 (960)
Scores 135-156 = 5 scores averaging 144 (720)
Scores 157-240 = 2 scores averaging 170 (340)
Total 2,648 / 22 = 120.36
That shows nearly a third of his games (7) totalling 1060 (average 151.4). While these sort of numbers have obviously been achieved before, it does demonstrate how "fragile" it is. It doesn't need to have too much go awry for the wheels of that 120 average to fall off. An extra niggle or two. A couple of forced "dud" roles, with more Fwd time due to team structure. A few effective tags. All adds up that you can see Bont falling below 110 more than 3 times in a thousand attempts at this season.