Making the most money to end up with the best final side possible should be the focus just as much as having points on the ground, dont see any other candidates that could quite easily make 100-150K in 3 weeks, with Teakle there as virtually a straight swap who is essentially dead weight it feels a pretty easy trade to make to me but really comes down to how secure in the side you feel Briggs is (I'm more bullish on him than most as Flynn had a super game in the VFL and still wasn't brought back into the side should get an extended run at it as they seem to want to back him in, earnt his spot with good form and has now played well twice).
Think the Swans either drop McAndrew to play one of their forwards as a second Ruck or even draft a Ruckman in the MSD, either way think his chances of holding his spot is pretty low.
Agree with all this Shaun. Flynn had another good game, Madden didnt do much. Saw Preuss has TBC, assume that is rolling issue.
I thInks Briggs comes down to trades vs cash gen.
I have $600k across Esava Teackle and SMitchell to spend post downgrading, which drives Worpel Ashcroft and Atkins upgrades into potn Macrae Sicily and Andy Brayshaw. Not great for byes though.
Leave me one premium spot with Johnson Ford Wardlaw Osin Cincotta to deliver the outcome. Limited trades though so dont need Briggs for that reason but can see the appeal. Good luck with it.
Liked your warnings on Wardlaw, not well known.