News Injuries & Suspensions

22 Feb 2013
AFL Club
That video is bs. Any number of those tackles are millimetres away from a head being smashed into the ground and I am disinclined to believe it is all about the tackler cuddling more. Don't want to see players getting concussed but pretty irritated with the Sicily outcome given the extra player involved.
2 Mar 2023
AFL Club
How Sicily gets the same amount of time off as De Goey for two completely different acts, one of which being a lot more malicious, is beyond me.

Absolute farce. The league is an embarrassment.
I believe that Sicily should have received a suspension. His rotation of McCluggage, whether Brockman was involved or not, was in a slinging motion, and is always fraught with danger. This sort of thing needs to be stamped out of the game, however the penalty is way too severe!! IMO, it should have been 1 week.

How, Sicily and Mansell, who had his eyes on the ball, except at the last second when bracing himself, gets the same penalty as someone who had their eyes off the ball and 'left the ground' and deliberately chose to bump is a farce!! Mansell should have not received any penalty.

The tackle isn't dead, but the AFL's tribunal LOTTERY system is a joke, and is causing the presumption that the tackle is dead.
9 Mar 2023
AFL Club
I believe that Sicily should have received a suspension. His rotation of McCluggage, whether Brockman was involved or not, was in a slinging motion, and is always fraught with danger. This sort of thing needs to be stamped out of the game, however the penalty is way too severe!! IMO, it should have been 1 week.

How, Sicily and Mansell, who had his eyes on the ball, except at the last second when bracing himself, gets the same penalty as someone who had their eyes off the ball and 'left the ground' and deliberately chose to bump is a farce!! Mansell should have not received any penalty.

The tackle isn't dead, but the AFL's tribunal LOTTERY system is a joke, and is causing the presumption that the tackle is dead.
Wholeheartedly agree and it's my point exactly. One week was more than enough for Sicily.
14 May 2015
AFL Club
I believe that Sicily should have received a suspension. His rotation of McCluggage, whether Brockman was involved or not, was in a slinging motion, and is always fraught with danger. This sort of thing needs to be stamped out of the game, however the penalty is way too severe!! IMO, it should have been 1 week.

How, Sicily and Mansell, who had his eyes on the ball, except at the last second when bracing himself, gets the same penalty as someone who had their eyes off the ball and 'left the ground' and deliberately chose to bump is a farce!! Mansell should have not received any penalty.

The tackle isn't dead, but the AFL's tribunal LOTTERY system is a joke, and is causing the presumption that the tackle is dead.
Goodness gracious.. what hope has anyone got.

It used to be "two actions" in a dump tackle. Ie; did the player deliberately pick someone up, and slam their head into the ground. That's what we should be trying to police.

Now we are analysing if Sicily did enough to soften the fall of Mcluggage as he was pushed into a diving tackle with another player coming over the top. In that 1.04 seconds did he rotate him?? At the 0.4 second mark why didn't he release the arm??

RIDICULOUS. Suspensions should be about intent, not outcome!!!! Unless the behaviour you are trying to stamp out is tackling itself, in which case, just change the rules
6 Jun 2013
I believe that Sicily should have received a suspension. His rotation of McCluggage, whether Brockman was involved or not, was in a slinging motion, and is always fraught with danger. This sort of thing needs to be stamped out of the game, however the penalty is way too severe!! IMO, it should have been 1 week.

How, Sicily and Mansell, who had his eyes on the ball, except at the last second when bracing himself, gets the same penalty as someone who had their eyes off the ball and 'left the ground' and deliberately chose to bump is a farce!! Mansell should have not received any penalty.

The tackle isn't dead, but the AFL's tribunal LOTTERY system is a joke, and is causing the presumption that the tackle is dead.
Could not disagree more

The very fabric of the game has currently turned into a legal interpretation of potential future litigation

Everyone will have their own opinion, but the game is becoming unwatchable as the entire focus is on human interaction and contact

Next the high mark will be outlawed.
Imagine Jezza Howe taking a screamer, his knee inadvertently hits a forwards head and he's concussed

Jezza receives 3 weeks based on outcome.
24 Feb 2015
AFL Club
I was in a pickle, I had SMitchell locked forward and needed him back in defence with no way to get him there (Constable and Chesser both locked in defence) unless I traded. So I traded, reversed trades and optimised and just like that he's been shuffled back with Constable moved to mids and Drury pushed forward. No idea how this site works this year, it's been so random as there was no way that could've happened but I won't argue.

*oops, wrong thread
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