Adding my thoughts here, post is not a critical one just from a slightly different angle from my viewpoint. Sorry for breaking the post up into sections, just it makes it easier.
For the first time since this asaga started I am starting to think Hird can no longer carry on as coach. Purely for the reason that if (assuming the reports are true) that the players don't want Hird or the Club to appeal and Hird does then that is simply not workable to have the coach and players heading in a different direction.
I still love James Hird. I still believe in James Hird and believe that he never wanted anything illegal done. His emails regarding the supplement programs state the program must not harm the player, must not be illegal, must be ticked off by the doctor and done in accordance according to WADA and AFL drug guidelines.
Sure he started the program so has some responsibility, but he set strict guidelines and trusted others to follow them through. The chain of command, as in who was each persons boss from Dank up at the time was Danks - Robinson - Hamilton - Robson - Evans. All are gone.
Leigh Matthews and Nathan Buckley amongst others in the last two years have stated that they trust their staff and wouldn't know the exact details of what players were getting. If it is OK for those two coaches to have that set up then it is right for Hird as far as I am concerned. His one year suspension is more than enough 'punishment' as far as I am concerned.
In my opinion Hird was offered the two years extension at the time as an incentive to agree to the AFL penalties instead of taking it to the Supreme Court like he wanted to do at the time. This was under the assumption/promise that the whole saga would be wrapt up and the players could get on with it.
He was appointed to the board in 2011. So once Evans left he would have just as much knowledge as any other board members that could have become the new Chairman.
Yes it is ironical. A conspiracy theorist could look at the AFL documents discovered in lead up to the court case that say "Hird to be isolated" as perhaps an indicator why so much heat is on Hird and not Thompson.
The part I find really ironical is that part of the 'bringing the game into disrepute' charges Hird accepted included several points about not doing proper reference checks. Which is funny considering Dank for example had previously consulted with the Gold Coast, did a little bit of consulting for Brisbane, was in regular contact with Melbourne after leaving Essendon and there is also an article about how when Dean Robinson was at Geelong he was "In daily contact, although not on the payroll" with Dank who was at the Sea Eagles at the time.
My main question is who would be a better coach going forward, Thompson or an outsider? One could argue that Thompson has a far greater understanding of what the players have been through and how to guide them forward than someone looking in from the outside.
Depends on what stories you speak of. Granted some supporters have gone way over the top, but so too have many foamers willing to put the boots in.
Yes, Essendon set up a program that pushed the boundaries. Driving 110kmph on a 110kmph road is pushing the boundaries. So far no one has been found guilty of doing anything illegal. I personally don't believe that Essendon is the only club to have tried to push the boundaries. Even Justice Middleton stated in his verdict that Asada were probably going to look into other Clubs.
I think if Hird lodges those appeal papers it is all over for him as coach. I think that is all Little and board waiting on before parting of ways officially.
If Hird then decides to attack them too, oh my god, hopefully he does not but I can see the possibility of him even doing that.
Just because they do not want to appeal and he does, may not be enough for him to see reason to not be allowed to coach the team.
He may reason, if they went to court for same reasons as him, then they originally were on same page so he should not be sacked if he wants to pursue the same line and they now no longer want to. If he follows that reasoning he may say unfair dismissal to them if they try to sack him. What needs to happen is he needs to agree with them, they no longer on same page so part ways on good terms. Whether that happens or not is another thing.
If Hird then decides to attack them too, oh my god, hopefully he does not but I can see the possibility of him even doing that.
Just because they do not want to appeal and he does, may not be enough for him to see reason to not be allowed to coach the team.
He may reason, if they went to court for same reasons as him, then they originally were on same page so he should not be sacked if he wants to pursue the same line and they now no longer want to. If he follows that reasoning he may say unfair dismissal to them if they try to sack him. What needs to happen is he needs to agree with them, they no longer on same page so part ways on good terms. Whether that happens or not is another thing.
I still love James Hird. I still believe in James Hird and believe that he never wanted anything illegal done. His emails regarding the supplement programs state the program must not harm the player, must not be illegal, must be ticked off by the doctor and done in accordance according to WADA and AFL drug guidelines.
Sure he started the program so has some responsibility, but he set strict guidelines and trusted others to follow them through. The chain of command, as in who was each persons boss from Dank up at the time was Danks - Robinson - Hamilton - Robson - Evans. All are gone.
Leigh Matthews and Nathan Buckley amongst others in the last two years have stated that they trust their staff and wouldn't know the exact details of what players were getting. If it is OK for those two coaches to have that set up then it is right for Hird as far as I am concerned. His one year suspension is more than enough 'punishment' as far as I am concerned.
For the players themselves. They just need and want to get this over with. The club and Hird delayed this stuff and made it more messy than it needed to be. I for one have never fully understood the logic of both Essendon or Hird. Little and Hird say some very strange things. What amazes me most is Little appointed Hird two years exactly when AFL fined and suspended him for bringing game into disrepute.
Little was also not there when things went on originally with supplements and injections drama so how he can seem to speak with authority of versions of what actually happened I find weird.
Also find it weird that Mark Thompson is seen as the good guy in all this but in reality he was the person with strongest links to Dank in first place and probably the reason Essendon brought him to club. The only difference with Thompson and Hird is, Thompson seems to accept a little responsibility for what went on, rather than trying to make out he is a victim. But he wants to make up for what went on.
The part I find really ironical is that part of the 'bringing the game into disrepute' charges Hird accepted included several points about not doing proper reference checks. Which is funny considering Dank for example had previously consulted with the Gold Coast, did a little bit of consulting for Brisbane, was in regular contact with Melbourne after leaving Essendon and there is also an article about how when Dean Robinson was at Geelong he was "In daily contact, although not on the payroll" with Dank who was at the Sea Eagles at the time.
If Little sacks Hird now after he gave him a two year extension and needs to pay him out he probably needs to sack himself too for just being bloody stupid himself. If Essendon want a total fresh start they not only need Hird and Little to go, they probably need Thompson to go too. I don't see that happening though. The Wheapon got sacked, Dank went, Robran went, Corcoran went. Hird and Thompson still there. If they both go it really is a fresh start. If Thompson stays it is not totally clean but least the guy involved wants to clean up some of the mess of something he had a lot to do with. He is the only guy that has come even close to making some sense. The bottom line is they got themselves into this mess. They need to be the ones getting out of it.
But pllllzz no more victim card stories or I will throw up.
Yes, Essendon set up a program that pushed the boundaries. Driving 110kmph on a 110kmph road is pushing the boundaries. So far no one has been found guilty of doing anything illegal. I personally don't believe that Essendon is the only club to have tried to push the boundaries. Even Justice Middleton stated in his verdict that Asada were probably going to look into other Clubs.
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