Seeing as it looks like people are running out of songs for a lot of letters, rather than continuing with the alphabet after this cycle, maybe from now on we do like the word association topic and post a song somehow relating to the previous song in the topic?
As an example, George Michael, I Want Your Sex was the last posted song. The next one should somehow be related to that - another song by that artist, has a similar word in the title, same genre, same release year, was in the same movie/tv show, singer was also arrested in a toilet - could be anything, and I'm sure you can come up with more creative ideas of how to link songs.
I'm expecting this topic will probably quieten down completely anyway with footy restarting and COVID shut downs not being as much of an issue, but this might keep things going a bit longer.
Feel free to keep going with following the alphabet if you want too, just an idea.