I like the idea of taking Crisp out of his POD's, and I defintely think you should do that. The less avenues of attack he has, the better!
So that leaves the equation at:
Rumbler 179 + Captain v Opponent Bianco +
Locking in Macrae's 113 changes the equation to:
Rumbler 292 v Opponent Bianco +
It would seem inconceivable, that his combination can reach 292!
Highest scores of his attack combination so far this season:
Laird 178 + Bianco 83 = 261
Grundy 162 + Bianco 83 = 245
Marshall 158 + Bianco 83 = 241
Crisp 143 + Bianco 83 = 225
Hall 141 + Bianco 83 = 224
So his combo needs to hit a new season high by at least 31 points!
You could try and guess his Captain pick, which my guess is Laird or Hall, and match it, but that does potentially leave the door open, for him to have another chance to run you down.
I think you have played this GF very well, and your current plan is probably the one with the most chance of success.
Good luck