I’m a bit disappointed that Emmett has gone. He was by far the best remaining physically (I think he’s been intentionally performing at <100% in a number of challenges, and won a high proportion of those in which he tried), and had a simple but decent basic strategy of building a large alliance, and trying to encourage everyone to stick to plans, be calm, and just eliminate the opposition progressively. He’s not a strategic genius, but he doesn’t have to be, and he showed more strategic nous than I thought he had in him at times, and even dialed down some of the less likeable parts of his personality in recent weeks. I think he’s a loss.
Amazing that the biggest physical threats are probably now Andrew and Hayley, both from the Brains tribe.
Some of the players on each side could only be very loosely termed Brains or Brawn, from what we’ve seen. If you’re going to make that the theme for the season, I would have thought you would cast it on that basis, but it seems like they’ve cast it, and then decided on the theme and therefore the composition of the tribes, with some potentially dodgy labels applied as a result.