Well boys, I have thought long and hard about it but I decided to hang up my boots and retire from SuperCoach.
Maybe it is the old man calf strains or the many SC concussions I have had over my career, but I can't find the motivation to hit another pre-season and I know I don't have the care factor in me for another long season. I am absolutely not excited about all the flexing and dealing with multiple byes and every Thurs night has a game and all the loop-de-looping you need to do to be competitive.
Why did I feel the need to post like this and not fade into the background like others before me? Probably cause it's nice to be feeling like I've gone out on a high. Being a part of the SCS Premier League for a good few years has been an amazing experience and I would rather exit on my own terms than have Rowsus give me some bad news. Truth is, SCSPL has been the main driver keeping me interested over at least the last two seasons. Whenever I have felt my SC interest slipping, SCSPL has dragged my focus back on target. Overall ranking has always been the goal, but a very close second was getting as high as possible in the PL ladder. Didn't matter how rubbish the weekly score was, how terrible my C played or whatever injury bad luck I copped, I just wanted that PL win. I got close a couple of years back with a loss in the prelim but that is secondary to just being a member of PL. It has been an honour and a privilege to be part of it.
No doubt I will miss playing. SuperCoach and particularly SuperCoachScores have been a massive part of my life over the last more than a decade. I will struggle not to reflexively check the app for setting VCs, Cs and Es, and it will take a while to break the urge to look at the SC scores on FootyInfo Lite during a game. Checking the SCS forums many many times a day/hour has been like breathing to me for so long, and I enjoy reading the opinion and strategy posts, not to mention the good and bad luck stories. That said, I am looking forward to solely focusing on watching the Hawks rebuild and hopefully seeing some more wins and success come our way.
SCS has changed over the years, but it has remained a fantastic online home to live in. Some of it is due to the hard work of the mods, much of it is because we all have a common love of sport and don't let other issues/topics get in the way. You are all a great bunch and I have made some fantastic friends both in 3D and digital only. I'm sure to forget someone, but thanks to the following folks for making SCS a tip top spot -
@Ricky Bobby,
@Goodie's Guns,
@Lost In The Sky,
@Monya Meow Meow,
@doc ron,
@Diabolical. Special thanks to -
@Professor (I enjoyed our chats Jim),
@IDIG (we will always have Goldy C),
@Deeman1 (top bloke Ash),
@Creeker (I probably still owe you a Jimmy or three Pete!),
@Rowsus (the guru of SCS),
@Ben's Beasts (everyone wants to be like Ben),
@Philzsay (text me if you need a someone to go with to watch the Hawks beat the Bombers at the G),
@Impromptu (what a great site you have here Jay!). Appreciate all the chats and rants and fun times. I have been glad to be able to do my little bit to help SCS be a good place to be a part of.
Best of luck with season 2025 everyone, may all your players score 100s.
Over and out, PC (aka Jack)
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