Don't understand why people are even considering Gawn. Surely everyone has some combo of Gaz/Fyfe/Goldy/Danger to pick from?
The VC loophole is an area of the game where most is to be gained by taking less popular options. You get two shots, why not role the dice on a POD, Gawn for example, and he might go 150... perhaps one or two of Pendles/Gaz/Fyfe/Danger/Goldy will also go 150, but in an average week 120-130 is more likely.
There are points to be gained, but if your risk doesn't pay off, you have a second chance, i.e. Ablett or Dangerfield (this week)... let's say half of the play-it-safers have ran with Pendles as VC and the other half have opted for Goldy. What are the chances of one of Pendles and Goldy putting up a bankable score? Probably 80% but which one? If one of them fails to reach the expected benchmark (40% chance?) they will go to Ablett or Danger as captain. If you roll the dice on a POD VC selection and it does not pay off, you will quite possibly be on level ground with 50% of the play-it-safers, and end up with a popular captain option, for better or for worse.