Everyone's opinion is valid, unless it verges on the ridiculous.
I would think a lot of people might agree with most of these points, except maybe the last one ......
I think the Maynard result shows that the AFL definitely treats offences in the finals differently to during the season offences. The punishments this season have appeared to be mainly results driven. "What else could he do .......?" has not been a very successful defense in recent times. If this had happened in Round 3, and Maynard got 3 weeks, a lot of people would be talking differently about it, than they are now.
Jack Martin being downgraded from 2 to 1 match also adds weight to the finals are handled differently approach.
I guess the AFL is just trying to avoid a players availability being decided in the courts, or other similar bodies.
Now for the unpopular opinion. Why is it accepted, that it is ok for Maynard to brace for impact, by tucking his elbow, and rolling his shoulder towards Brayshaw? We have seen more than once, a taller player, particularly Ruckmen, brace for impact from an incoming smaller player. The smaller player has literally run head first into the bracing, near stationary, Ruckman's shoulder, but the Ruckman get's a week or two. Why has no one asked, if Maynard wanted to avoid, or lessen the impact, didn't he roll his left shoulder forward? My mind is, Maynard was happy to collect Brayshaw, but wasn't expecting the outcome that occurred in this case. Brayshaw was actually not presenting any significant impact threat to Maynard. Maynard could have stayed front on, and "bear hugged" Brayshaw. He could have rolled his left side forward instead of his right, to try and avoid or lessen impact to a glancing collision. I think Maynard wanted some impact, but got a lot more than he bargained for. An error in judgement, more than being malicious. I think if he had his time over, he might make a different choice, than what he made this time.
Bottom line is, the AFL has further increased the notion, that results of offences are a lottery, and have no consistency whatsoever.