Can I confirm a little anomaly:
On the 2nd Contract calculator if your estimated average (based on 2022 with adj for games) is below 21.6 and your 2021 average is above 21.6, you get the 2021 average as a calculation base - regardless of game count. Shouldn't this too be subject to game discount (either 2021 games or 2022)?
Person X plays 1 game in 2021 and scores 50, player Y plays 1 game and averages 50.
Identical going in to Yr 2:
Person X plays 1 game in 2022 and scores 29. player Y plays 2 games and averages 29.
Same average, player Y played one more game:
The calculation base for Player X (1 game) will be 50 for their 2nd contract and for Player Y it will be 29.
Might be too complicated, however would have thought player X should have discount applied to 2021 year as well (so bring it back to 35). Still worse off compared to Player Y, which is a little odd, but brings it back a little.
E.g: Will Phillips for the Darkness.
If he doesn't play a game in 2022, he will cop his 48 average and approx $260k as a starting salary.
If he plays 1 game and score 29, he gets a 21.6 average and approx 120k starting.
If he plays 1 game and score 48, he gets a 33.6 average and approx 180k starting.
Would think not playing in 2022 should see that be reduced.