Strategy 2024: Round 13 Trades

28 Feb 2015
AFL Club
St Kilda
Current team
View attachment 73944

Crouch, Sam Darcy, Wilson > Warner, LDU/Neale, McMullin.

Still tossing up between LDU and Neale, leaning toward LDU atm because of price, BE but mindful of Neale’s dependability and season finishing.

Not sold on McMullin either and might change if a likely MSD Is named.
Leaves me with 12 trades, 1 boost and $254 k Itb
Lol, I couldn't split LDU and Neale this morning either!

LDU's form while improving has been sluggish, Neale has been solid without being spectacular! Though he did a couple of 160's against the Suns and Richmond! My worry on him in the end was on his age, 31 and where does Ashcroft slide into the team latter this year and how does that work for the Lions. Ashcroft either plays half forward for a while or if he goes into the midfield McCluggage or Berry gets pushed to the wings? If they had been comfortable in the 8 as well, a rest would've/could've been on the cards, though given their current position I don't foresee that happening?

So I looked at LDU's history for the past few years, focusing on post bye, not concise but here are the details.

2021 Played 11 after the bye, ave 93 with a season ave of 85.
4 tons and a best of 119.
2022 Played 9 after the bye, ave 111 with a season ave of 101.
6 tons and a best of 149.
2023 Played 7 (missed the last 2 games) ave 121 with a season ave of 114
6 tons with a best of 134.
2024 upto the bye played 11 (hasn't missed) with an ave of 104.
7 tons with a best of 152.

Clearly shows he gets better in the second half of the season. I also think since Sheezel has gone into the middle has helped him, whether through the oppo spending time on Sheezel and less on him or mentality he feels better for the support? Haven't seen any North games for a while.
In the end as I only have 1 spot in the midfield to go, without any sideways trading of the likes of Green, Steele, Dawson and Miller in the plans yet, so I decided to grab Zorko this week and wait for Serong, while looking at both of these guys for another week as a potential sideways trade!
8 Jun 2023
AFL Club
Was really hoping Meek was named, but might play the BE game and just keep him and upgrade to Neale in mids instead - all of the rucks have higher BEs compared to the premium mids coming off their bye and I guess slightly lower chances being hit 🥴


Leadership Group
3 Jul 2017
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Out: S Clohesy, D Wilson and H Garcia
In: W Dawson, D Zorko and G Payne
View attachment 73877

Dawson opens up the def/fwd link after acquiring Fisher last round. Garcia, Graham and Moyle traded next round for mid (via Fyfe), Blight and fwd (via Livingstone). Ideally leaves the last fwd spot for Flanders. Alternatives to Zorko would be Flanders before his bye or Bolton/McKay/Moore. Could also grab a Laird type if I wish to push Oliver to the bench.
Graham and Richards traded over Wilson and Garcia. Dowling replaces Payne.
27 Mar 2015
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
View attachment 73939
Current team before trades. 13 left. $85,600 in the bank.

Option A: Wilson and Darcy to Zorko and Dawson. Gets me the strongest fwd premo available but leaves me fielding 20 this week with deadwood Hore and Reid in the backline and offering no future cover. $136k in the bank.

Option B: Wilson and Hore to Moore and Dawson. Gives me a slightly compromise pick in Moore but gives me 21 on field and sets up Dawson as cover at D7, as well as the capacity to swing him with Sexton and Fisher. $20k in the bank.

Option C: Wilson, Darcy and Hore to Zorko, Gray and Dawson. Gets me Zorko, Dawson in defence, 21 on field this week and the flexibility of the basement price floating dount in Gray, but burns an extra trade and brings in a player unlikely to generate cash or be useful on field in the event of mass injuries. $182k in the bank.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Bump. Any takers???


Leadership Group
8 Mar 2012
AFL Club
Will depend on prices but thinking
Out: Howes, Clohesy, Wilson
In: Dawson, 2 of Fisher/Heeney/Gulden

Assuming I have enough to afford the trades lol
Have landed on Heeney and Fisher with 160k ITB.

9 trades with 2.5 (Oliver/Powell) upgrades left. Targeting Ryan next week and Merrett the week after.

Which would give me the following team which should be competitive enough for leagues.

Ryan, Daicos, Holmes, Houston, NWM, Martin
Serong, Bont, Butters, Merrett, Laird, Green, Oliver
Gawn, English
Heeney, Flanders, Zorko, Fisher, Jackson, Powell
25 Dec 2022
AFL Club
West Coast
I'm hoping for:
Clohesy > Fisher
Sweet > W.Dawson
Steele > LDU

If McKercher sounds no good, I'll probably trade him over Clohesy and grab Neale over LDU. All I want is an update. They said they'd give one during their bye, but we didn't get one. Could do a Garcia downgrade instead of that last trade but Steele is going to go at some point and with no good rookies available it seems, why not this week? Garcia would likely go down to the new 102k DEF/MID Saad El-Hawli or one of the three 117k DEF/MIDs. Have to have a look at how good all of their fixtures are for looping.

Gets me up to 23 'keepers' including McKercher. Aiming for 24 keepers.
Damn :confused:

Was settled on:
Clohesy > Fisher
Sweet > W.Dawson
H.Garcia > Dowling

With McAuliffe now sub I’m forced to go for Saad El-Hawli (SEH) at 102k instead to keep my future trade plans alive. McAuliffe’s cash gen hit could prove very costly. Fingers crossed he can get on early. Thought he played exceptionally in the first half last week. Interesting they picked Sonsie over him but oh well.

Passing on Dowling may be a blessing in disguise anyway. Likely wouldn’t have been best 18 and now I get another look. I can’t really affford to have someone who is always a sub candidate after the byes.